Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Un-Wedding by Babette Cole

This book does a great job of touching on the subject of divorce. This is something that is very common and will most likely appear with students in my class. The book gives a fun and enjoyable way to bring up the issue and not ignore it. The fact that the parents hate every little thing about each other can show kids that sometimes it is just not a good idea to live with someone that does not agree with you. You could show the students this by saying, one student that hates cats would probably not like living with another student that loves cats. When the students post a sign to have other kids that have the same problem meet and discuss, a bunch of other kids turn up. This can show students that they are not weird because they have divorced parents and that many other students are just like them. They also talk about how, at first they thought it might be their fault, but they come to the realization that it really is just their parents being immature. It is great because in the end, instead of showing the parents signing divorce papers. The author makes things more simplistic and sugar-coated, by having an un-wedding for the parents. The book also shows, the kids much happier in the end when their parents are not fighting all the time. This is a great way to see the positives in such a negative situation and to teach kids that do not have divorced parents, that it is also common to have parents that do not live together.

1 comment:

  1. I have not read this book, but it sounds like a great book that deals with the topic of divorce. I don’t have any personal experience with divorce, but there will probably be students in my class that have dealt with, or are dealing with the issue. It sounds like this book would really appeal to children who have experienced divorce. By showing that the divorce made life more enjoyable for the children and the parents, it shows that divorce is not always a bad thing. I also like how you said that “this can show students that they are not weird because they have divorced parents…” This is a great message that students need to receive. It sounds like this book portrays divorce in a more positive way, and would be a good book for children to read!
