Before reading this graphic novel, I was very apprehensive because I assumed that it would just be like a bunch of comic strips. I never really liked reading the comics when I was little so I was not very excited to read this. I was suprised to see that this book was not filled with a bunch of seperate comic strips, but had one long story throughout. It is full of actions and new funny things that occur. I think that this would be a great book for a strong reader that is just not interested in reading. The little boy in my child study is a very good reader but is scared away by large texts or chapter books. He loves drawing and videogames, so I plan to have him read this book at our next meeting. I think it would be great to have him create his own graphic novel after he is finished with the book. Another thing I really liked about this book, is that all of the sound effects are written out. Things like, "beep beep", "thump" and "FWOOM". This helps the reader to feel like they can actually hear the noises instead of just seeing actions occur. I also like that all the text is put into captions. This makes the reading seem faster and easier. I love the storyline to this book. The librarians are the bad guys and are trying to destroy all of the videogames. Their deadly weapons are that the books come alive and destroy the games. The lunch lady tries to stop them using food as her weapon. The pictures are great during the battle and one page even just shows a huge explosion where the kids and lunch lady attack. The author ends the story by combining the two activities. The kids have to read while waiting to play the new video games. It is also great that the whole book is in black and white with yellow here and there. The yellow helps focus the reader's attention on that particular object.
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